Heavy on Fashion Events: A Style Doubter goes to IFB Conference..Help!

I just brought my ticket for the IFB Conference and I am so excited! The only issue is, what am I going to wear. I mean I am a fashion/beauty blogger after all and I do not know what I am going to wear? How crazy is that. 

When it comes to my own wardrobe, I am a style doubter. You probably wondering what a style doubter is? It is when you doubt or criticize everything you wear. I mean I am a chronic style doubter, I usually change my outfits at least 3 times before I leave the house. I know that is a problem! Until I get over my seriously self diagnosed style doubter syndrome, I am going to leave the choice up to you. Yeah you! 

 For the next 3 weeks I am going to post some potential outfits and you guys can vote on what I will wear for the IFB Conference in NYC! 



  1. I'lld be so psyched if i had enough money to go to that conference!
    Wow i'll probably be in the same shoes too.
    What i'lld do is repeat an outfit i really like or got a lot of votes on.
    District of Fashion
    Shop.District of Fashion

  2. great looking blog you have! really enjoy it! hope u return the visit..
    Blog Me

  3. Enjoy the conference! I went for two years and they were very informative. This time I'm attending the Lucky Fashion & Beauty Blogger conference; I attended the one this past February and I loved it.xo

  4. @Buky That is a great Idea, I may do that!

    @Nicky You are right, I going to absorb all that I can from this IFB conference. I heard great things about the Lucky FBB conference. I may do that next time!

    @krizia Thanks Krizia


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