Heavy on Fashion Events Rundown: Charmed PR & Caravan Stylist Studio Private showcase

Hello, all my fashion divas and gurus! I am so happy to bring you a look at my time at CharmedPr Private Fashion & Beauty Media Event on January 21st! 
I had the chance to see some fabulous beauty and fashion brands. I am also excited to add that I will be reviewing many of these products on Heavy on fashion in the near future. 

Be sure to check out the official Heavy on Fashion Facebook page for all the fabulous photos of the event! I would like to thank the lovelies at CharmedPR for the invite and Caravan Stylist Studio nyc for hosting the event!

Charmed PR invited a private beauty and fashion media event featuring some fabulous beauty and fashion brands. Caravan Stylist Studio hosted this great event and provided some fab services too!

I was introduced to MaskerAide and I can't wait to try this out!

Anna Wintour by Kahri by KahriAnne Kerr

I love love love #bellaschneiderbeauty line! Review on the Gold Carat cream coming soon!

A pyramid of Mirakle cream The Better Skin Co.

loving Sterling Forever jewelry collection!


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