Heavy on Fashion #NYFW Adventure: Black Accessory Designer Alliance show...

Hello, all my fashion divas and gurus! I am so sorry for the #NYFW delay. February has been a busy and rough month full with a new job, family illness, and, of course, me being sick as well.
So I am happy to bring you some great reviews, all my #NYFW adventures, and more!

I had the chance to attend the Black Accessory Designer Alliance show during #NYFW! I was able to check out some fabulous designers like  Rococo Design Interiors, Ronnetta J. Coleman Jewelry & Accessories, and Vedazzling Accessories Boutique.  Enjoy this fabulous video/slideshow!
More #NYFW coverage coming soon!

Check out these fabulous designers at
Rococo Design Interiors http://www.rococodesign.com/,
Ronnetta J. Coleman Jewelry & Accessories http://ronnettacoleman.com/,
Side Note: Check out my review of Ronnetta Anthony bracelet at  http://www.heavyonfashion.com/2015/05/heavy-on-fashion-review-anthony.html
Vedazzling Accessories Boutique at http://www.vedazzlingaccessories.com/


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